One thing we know about cannabis is how it can easily shapeshift. Cannabis is versatile. The cool thing about learning about cannabis in its many forms is learning how scientific the entire process is, this is especially the case when learning about cannabis concentrates.
Stoners get a bad rap for being sluggish, lazy, and unconcerned, but for a bunch of lazy folks – there sure are many creative ways to consume and use cannabis. Cannabis concentrates are made through a process of solvent or solventless extraction, and then formed into a concentrated mass of either THC or CBD, and sometimes even both.
Cannabis concentrates are becoming increasingly popular, but there is a lot of misinformation about this type of marijuana product. At Weedjar, we know knowledge is power, and we’re here to share the facts about cannabis concentrates so you can make an informed decision the next time you stop in at our Eglinton weed shop.